Church Service
Available in person or online. We look forward to seeing you!Our address: Address: 205 W. Linn St, Norman, OK 73069
Phone: (405) 321-4298
Email: 1stchurchcsnorman@gmail.com
ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
- John 8:32Sunday Service
Our Sunday Service in at 10:00 AM.Our Sunday Service is conducted by two Readers who read a lesson, which is comprised of inspirational texts from the Bible and the Christian Science textbook. There's also time for congregational singing and a solo. While the lack of personal preaching can be surprising at first, many people have found comfort in quietly contemplating the healing message of the Lesson Sermon read by the Readers.
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
Our Wednesday Meeting is at 7:00 PM.The Wednesday meeting begins with singing and readings. After that, the floor is open for any attendees to share insights, experiences, and testimonies of healing they’ve had as a result of their prayer and study of Christian Science. There are sometimes quiet pauses between the testimonies when the congregation silently prays.
You may submit a testimony by emailing the church at 1stchurchcsnorman@gmail.com or by mail at PO Box 1413, Norman, OK 73069
To attend our services via audio live-streaming through the GoToMeeting platform, call 872-240-3311 ID 894473373#
Or click on Norman CS Church services to be taken directly to the link.
You can also attend church services at the Mother Church.
Online Services